Glee - S03E01 Excerpt

Okay. Take a look at yourself. What do you see? Come on.

Sad, puffy, red eyes filled with dashed hopes and dreams.

是独一无二的 Rachel Berry 啊。没有人能像你一样。
Rachel Berry. One of a kind. There’s no one like you.

Well, that’s actually kind of funny, because it seems like there is.

行 你是没参加过高中演出或是任何演出。因为《酒店》和《洛基恐怖秀》都被砍掉了。
Okay, fine, so you’ve never been in a high school production. Or any production, because, you know, Cabaret was canceled and so was Rocky Horror.

They had credits, Kurt. In utero credits.

Okay, so they have more experience. They have more talent. But you are fierce, Rachel. Your ambition does push-ups while you sleep. Nobody wants it more than you. And you’re not giving up on this. Because I’m not gonna let you. You are getting into that school.