Glee 3D Concert Movie - Excerpt (Official Review) 影评

I can connect with Kurt on a very personal level. I came out when I was in eighth grade. And I’m like, “I can go through the same thing as he does.” So it’s like real life. Well, in the first semester of eighth grade, my whole life changed dramatically. I did not come out by choice at all. I had a journal. My journal was someone that wasn’t going to judge me, no matter what I told it. It would just listen. I had this crush on this guy named Brian. He had the most gorgeous eyes ever. I wrote many letters to him that I would never give him. It would start off with, “Brian, hi. I know we don’t talk very often, but I’ve liked you since the seventh grade.” Brian found out that I had on crush on him because my best friend at the time took my journal, and set it on his desk during class. And he just opened it and just started reading everything. I was so embarrassed. After class, he rushed out of class. He was the first one out. And he took the notebook with him, actually. He shared my journal with everyone. I felt like everyone was looking at me differently already. They all knew. It spread like wildfire. And when I heard that, I never wanted to come back to the school. And that was on a Monday. At the end of the day, I got my journal back, and I wanted to rip it up because I didn’t want my family to find out about me. But I just thought they would still find it, so I decided to burn if instead. That’s when l became very bottled in, even when people teased me and made fun of me throughout the year. And, it’s just hard because it’s hard to deal with it. It’s hard. Kurt taught me a lot because he was the only out kid at his school, and he was proud. And just like in the prom episode, he did go off running, but he came back, and he held his head up and smiled.

我和 Kurt 经历了一些相似的事情。我在八年级出柜。我对自己说:“我也能经历他所经历过的事情。”这就是我真实的生活。好吧。在八年级的第一个学期我的生活戏剧性地改变了。我出柜其实是被动的。我一直在写日记。我的日记是一个好的听众,它总是会静静听我倾诉,它不会像其他人一样在背后评论我。我突然爱上了 Brian。他有着最迷人的眼睛。我写了许多封并不会寄给他的信。我总是用“你好, Brian。我知道我们并不经常聊天,但是你要知道我从七年级开始就喜欢上了你。”来起头。有一天,我最好的朋友拿走了我的日记,把它放在 Brian 的课桌上。他打开我的日记一览所有内容,知道了我喜欢他。我特别尴尬。下课后,他便冲出教室,如同往常一样,他总是第一个离开教室的。其实当时他还夹带着我的日记。他把我的日记拿给很多人看。我一出去就感到别人用异样的眼光看着我。消息如野火般传遍了学校。当我得知同学们都知道了这件事情的时候,我都不想再去学校了,那天还只是星期一。最后我把我的日记拿了回来,因为害怕家里人会发现它,我甚至还想把它撕掉。但我仍然害怕家里的人会把它找到,所以我把它烧了。接下来的一整年人们都取笑我,拿我来开玩笑。当时处在一个非常瓶颈的状态,处理好这些事情真的很困难。Kurt 是学校里面第一个出柜的人,他教会了我许多。在一集舞会里面他逃掉了,但他又回来了,他微笑着抬起来了头。

I transferred to a new school when I was a junior in high school, and I got into the theater department, and I started doing musicals. The theater department here is like Glee Club because we’re a family just like Glee Club is a family. And all of us are different in some sort of way. And we all just come together as one.
I actually did wish that I had someone to look up to like Kurt. I feel like if he were there, like, out, when I was in eighth grade, I could be like, “Look at him being gay, and he stiff gets to five his dream. ” But now I’m 19-years-old and I’m all grown up, and I completely accept myself and I’m a person with no secrets now. I am open to the world, everyone. If you ask me if I’m gay, I am proud to stand up and say that, “Yes, Trenton Thompson. I am gay!” And I couldn’t do that before. And now it’s like I have no secrets. So if I write something down and someone finds it, it’s like, “You could have just asked.”

我转到了一所新高中的戏剧系开始从事音乐方面的学习。戏剧系如同 Glee 合唱团一样是一个家庭。这里的人在某些方面与众不同。我们聚在一起特别团结。我还真的希望身边能有一个像 Kurt 一样的人来崇拜。当我在八年级的时候心里可能会想“你看那个 Gay,他还会去追寻自己的梦想。”不同是现在我已经十九岁了,我已经长大了,我已经能完完全全得接受我自己。我现在也没有任何秘密需要隐瞒了。我对这个世界,对每个人都如此坦诚。如果你问我是不是 Gay,我会骄傲的站出来告诉你“对,Trenton Thompson,我是。”我之前不敢这么做,但是现在这已经不是个秘密了。所以现在,如果我写下了什么东西,你看到了,就如同之前我的“好朋友”对待我的那样,我回告诉你“你早就该问了”。

One thing I did learn is to be proud of yourself. Don’t be afraid. Stand up for what you believe in.

For me, I’m small, so that’s my challenge. Glee helps you realize that everyone goes through
their own struggles. You’ve got to notice the little people in life.
对我而言,长得很矮是一个很大的问题。 Glee 帮助我认识到每个人都可以战胜他们的困难。不要小瞧你生活中的小人物。

I guess you could say Glee has changed my life, because it’s opened my eyes that people are different. And I‘m like, “I have to remember that.” Because it’s like, I know I’m different, but I’m not realizing that everyone else is different around me, also.


Glee 是一部神奇的剧。Glee 3D Concert Movie 不仅仅是有关演唱会,它还以观众的视角,用观众的例子来讲述了局里局外的关联。让人感到这一切都能如此真实。当然 Glee 本身就是发生在你我身上的一部剧,生活总是如此完整,好的坏的。你随时可以看到各种不公平,我们能够选择的是反抗或是继续等待。Glee改变了我的生活。我知道了我应当为做我自己而骄傲。不要害怕,为你所坚信的事情站出来。