[ Barracuda ] 梭鱼人生

第一集:心怀抱负的游泳运动员 Danny Kelly 得到了私立学校 Blackstone College 的奖学金,他必须要在黎明之前起床参加训练。

第二集:在 Danny 在 Albury 获胜之后,他与校游泳队一同训练。终于,他获得了应有的尊敬。然而,他的教练 Torma 却坚持让 Danny 采用蝶泳。他觉得 Danny 如果自由泳的话永远都得不了金牌。

第三集:刚刚打破世界游泳记录,Danny 加入澳大利亚游泳队为 1998 年在吉隆坡举办英联邦比赛做站的梦想就实现了。他同 Taylor 一同庆祝这件好事,然后他们迅速发展的关系在 Taylor 认识了一个人之后发生了转变。

第四集:2000 年悉尼奥运开幕之夜,举国上下为之欢呼。离 Danny 在英联邦比赛的失败和羞耻已过了两年。他内心依然充满了那种被击败的失望和愤怒。他结束了他没有前途的事情。回到了家乡,来到了 Kelly 的家。然而这一切已不再同以往一样。

改编自获奖小说家 Christos Tsiolkas 的小说,为了适应电视节目安排分成了四个部分。梭鱼人生(Barracuda)是一个关于身份,认同,欲望的一个感人故事,其中还包含了对成功的沉迷和对失败的恐惧。 Rachel Griffiths, Matt Nable 参演, Elias Anton 扮演 Danny Kelly。

Episode 1 – Ambitious young swimmer Danny Kelly wakes before dawn to workout before his first day at the exclusive Blackstone College where he has won a scholarship.

Episode 2 – After Danny’s success in Albury, he trains hard with the swim squad. And he’s finally earned their respect. However coach Torma unsettles Danny by insisting he change his stroke to butterfly. He believes Danny will never win gold with freestyle.

Episode 3 – Fresh from his world record-breaking swim, Danny’s dreams come true when he is accepted into the Australian squad for the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur. He celebrates with Taylor but their developing relationship takes a turn when Taylor introduces Danny to someone new.

Episode 4 – It’s the opening night of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and the nation is buzzing with excitement. It’s been two years since Danny’s public loss and humiliation at the Commonwealth Games and he is still consumed with overwhelming disappointment and anger. He finishes his day at his dead-end job and returns home to the Kelly house where the family feels more fractured than ever.

Based on award-winning novelist Christos Tsiolkas’ book and adapted for television in four parts, Barracuda is a moving story about identity, obsession, desire, the dizzy heights of success and the terrifying risk of failure. Starring Rachel Griffiths and Matt Nable and introducing Elias Anton as Danny Kelly.