我们的岔路(CyanogenMod 整合公告) | A Fork in The Road

上周我们发布了 CM-13.0 的更新,鉴于预料到接下来的情况,我们更新了最新的安全补丁。
昨天,Cyanogen 公司 (Cyngn) 宣布他们将要关闭 CyanogenMod (CM) 的基础服务。公众从 Kondik(cyanogen 联合创始人) 的离开就不难看出这件事也算是意料之中。他是 Cyngn 团队中仅存的具有感染力的领导人。
鉴于服务设备的关闭,我们 CM 社区中的这些人也失去了未来 CM 的方向 – 而 CM 商标将会转让给第三方实体,尽管这是 Kondik 曾怀揣着梦想担着风险所开启的事业。虽然我们将要重组和重建我们的服务设施,但是继续进行 CM 的开发意味着我们将要承担商标被转卖的风险。这样的话,所有带着“Cyanogen”名字的产品,都会有着耻辱。读着这篇文章的你一定清楚 CM 产品和 CyngnOS 是两个完全不同的概念。目前很多 Cyngn 的公关措施给 CM 带来的不良影响很难被抹去。但鉴于 CM 对 Cyngn 经济的支持和源码的共享,也不难理解为什么有人分不清楚这件事儿。
无疑,Cyngn 最近的举动对 CyanogenMod 是致命的。
但是,CM 不仅仅是一个名字和那些基础设施。CM 是基于每一个人精神、才智和努力的成功。从 Kondik 当初一人到如今成千上万的贡献者。
拥有这股精神,我们社区的开发者、设计师、设备维护者和翻译们已经开始跨出第一步来 fork 出源码,增添更新。这不仅仅是重建,这次的 fork 将带着专业的质量和可依赖性在近期重回社区。
CM 已经服务这个社区不止八年了。这就像一个家园,把世界各地的朋友们聚在一起,给我们带来付出与给予的欢乐。在平安夜的晚上我们向这个社区致敬。我们将会为我们的 Lineage(最新项目:https://github.com/lineageos) 而自豪。我们也将踏上前程继续创造这个传奇。
谢谢你们 & 来日再见
CyanogenMod 团队
December 24th, 2016
A fork in the road
Last week, we released the final CM-13.0 releases, updated to the latest security patches, in anticipation of what follows.
Yesterday, Cyanogen Inc (Cyngn) announced that they were shutting down the infrastructure behind CyanogenMod (CM). This is an action that was not unpredictable given the public departure of Kondik (cyanogen himself) from the company, and with him our last remaining advocate inside Cyngn’s leadership.
In addition to infrastructure being retired, we in the CM community have lost our voice in the future direction of CM – the brand could be sold to a third party entity as it was an asset that Kondik risked to start his business and dream. Even if we were to regroup and rebuild our own infrastructure, continuing development of CM would mean to operate with the threat of sale of the brand looming over our heads. Then there is the stigma that has grown to be attached to anything named ‘Cyanogen’. Many of you reading this have been champions of clarifying that the CM product and CyngnOS were distinct, yet the stain of many PR actions from Cyngn is a hard one to remove from CM. Given CM’s reliance on Cyngn for monetary support and the shared source base, it’s not hard to understand why the confusion remains.
It will come as no surprise that this most recent action from Cyngn is definitely a death blow for CyanogenMod.
However, CM has always been more than the name and more than the infrastructure. CM has been a success based on the spirit, ingenuity and effort of its individual contributors – back when it was Kondik in his home, to the now thousands of contributors past and present.
Embracing that spirit, we the community of developers, designers, device maintainers and translators have taken the steps necessary to produce a fork of the CM source code and pending patches. This is more than just a ‘rebrand’. This fork will return to the grassroots community effort that used to define CM while maintaining the professional quality and reliability you have come to expect more recently.
CM has served the community well over its 8 long years. It has been our home, bringing together friends from all over the world to celebrate our joy of building and giving. Its apt then that on this Eve of a holiday we pay our respects. We will take pride in our Lineage as we move forward and continue to build on its legacy.
Thank you & Goodbye,
The CyanogenMod Team
December 24th, 2016