本站正式关闭在中国大陆地区的评论系统 | Officially Shut Down Comment System for Users in Mainland China
English follows Chinese.
Some contents on this post may not be applied to the current situation any longer.
2017 年 08 月 25 日,中华人民共和国互联网信息办公室正式发布《互联网跟帖评论服务管理规定》。
我们不会向您索取任何个人信息,您在 AirScript 网站上的一切内容完全是匿名的,并且我们会保障您在访问本站时的信息安全。
为继续保证您在使用 AirScript 网站过程中的匿名性,我们不会对用户采取评论实名以及审查的措施。因此我们会在该规定正式生效之前彻底关闭中国大陆地区的评论服务。
On 25 August 2017, Cyberspace Administration of China published Regulations of Management of Comments and Reviews.
Here is some extract
The fifth:
- According to the principle of "Verify identity at back end, voluntary at front end", the comment system provider is supposed to verify the identity of the registered users, and should not provide the service for the users who's not verified.
However, we can not provide comment service for users in mainland China applying both local laws and our own privacy terms (following is some extract) to it.
We will not ask for any personal information, and everything on the AirScript website is completely anonymous. Still we will protect your privacy whenever you visit our site.
To continue to assure you anonymity during the use of the AirScript website, I will not take any measures for your identity or censorship on your comments. Therefore, we will completely shut down the comment system for mainland China users before this regulation takes into effect.