庆贺勇敢为骄傲发声 | #ProudToBe: Celebrate Brave Voices this Pride

English follows Chinese.

在一个仍然冷漠 LGBTQ+ 群体心声的世界,做你自己是一个为世人所见的勇敢行为。在目前全球的环境中,LGBTQ+ 群体的权利十分脆弱。当今,我们更需发出我们的声音,让我们的故事能得到分享和他人的倾听。

一个包容、充满活力并且不断扩张的 LGBTQ+ 群体已成了自 YouTube 成立以来不可或缺的一部分。我们也很高兴能和这一群坚信保持真我,爱自己所爱的人站在一起。所以我们想告诉这些使 YouTube 更加多彩,多元化,包容的人们,与你们在一起我们很骄傲 (#ProudToBe) 。

YouTube Creators for Change (“为改变而创造”计划)很高兴宣布 #ProudToBe(骄傲于世)项目,这是我们的第五个年度骄傲运动。Creators for Change 是一项全球性的计划,旨在扩大那些利用自己的 (YouTube) 频道来解决困难社会问题的楷模们的声音。通过打击仇恨言论,打击仇外心理和极端主义,来简单得表达对他人更大的宽容和同情,这些创造者正在他们全球的粉丝之间带动产生积极的社会变化。了解更多:https://www.youtube.com/user/HumzaProductions (可能无法在中国大陆直接访问该网站)

由我根据 YouTube 上的字幕修改制作。

原视频在 YouTube: https://youtu.be/DALMRgakd-c
Bilibili 高清:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av12253306/

In a world where some people still try to silence LGBTQ+ voices, the act of being yourself is an act of bravery for all to see. And in the context of a global climate that highlights the vulnerability of LGBTQ+ rights, it’s more important than ever that LGBTQ+ voices and stories are shared and heard.

An inclusive, vibrant, ever-expanding LGBTQ+ community has been a vital part of YouTube since we started. And we’re proud to stand with a group that believes every human being deserves the right to be who they are and love who they love. So to all those brave voices who continue to make Youtube the colorful, diverse and supportive place it is, we’re #ProudToBe with you.


YouTube Creators for Change is proud to launch #ProudToBe, our fifth annual Pride campaign. Creators for Change is YouTube’s global initiative dedicated to amplifying the voices of role models who are tackling difficult social issues with their channels. From combating hate speech, to countering xenophobia and extremism, to simply making the case for greater tolerance and empathy toward others, these creators are helping generate positive social change with their global fan bases. Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/user/HumzaProductions