culture 亚马逊热带雨林大火:有多糟糕?| The Amazon is on fire - how bad is it? 成千上万的火灾正在蹂躏巴西的亚马逊热带雨林,这是近十年来最激烈的火灾。北部的 Roraima, Acre, Rondônia and Amazonas 和 Mato Grosso do Sul都受到了特别严重的影响。然而,社交媒体上很多声称是亚马逊雨林的图片都不是现在的,甚至不是巴西的。
culture 年轻人可能会从英格兰的沿海小镇消失 | England's seaside towns where young people might disappear 英格兰的海岸线是全英格兰最美但却也最穷的地方。一些住在斯卡伯勒北约克郡的年轻人说他们在夹缝中考虑他们呆在海边的未来。| The coastline in England is home to some of the most beautiful but also poorest places in England.
O2 AS 推出 AS Culture 项目 | AS Launches AS Culture Program AS 推出 AS Culture 项目 | AS Launches AS Culture Program
culture 对很多千禧一代而言,美国梦已死 | For a Lot of Millennial Men, the American Dream Is Dead 对没有大学文凭的人而言,尤其是男性,经济前景是渺茫的。| The economic prospects of those without college degrees, particularly men, are grim.